Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gettin’ Fit

I’ve always been a fairly active person.  I danced from the time I was 3 and coupled that with cheerleading throughout high school.  When I went off to college, I continued to be active but wasn’t at practice or in class for a couple hours a day as I had been previously.  I went to the campus gym a couple times a week and joined my sorority’s dance team for events each semester.  After college, I became less active as a regular job and household duties dictated my time.  Fortunately, I hadn’t gained much weight but I definitely wasn’t as fit as I had once been. 

About two years ago, I decided to make a change for me.  I began running regularly…a couple minutes turned into a couple miles which eventually turned into a couple hours straight.  In 2010, I completed two half marathons as well as a handful of other, shorter races.  My time for the halfs wasn’t great but I finished and as a beginner, that’s all that mattered.  After the second half, I took some time off from running to let my aching knees heal and concentrated on cross-training with the P90 & P90x workouts. 

This past spring, I got back into running and completed a couple short races before our primary care physician, Dr. B, suggested that I pull back in favor or concentrating on conception.  After four months passed without a baby Pug on board, my friend Lisa and I took up running again.  Nothing too strenuous…started with a single mile and worked our way up to 5 over 3 months’ time…improving time, distance and elevation as we went.  As a first time runner, Lisa (who was slightly scared to death at the get-go) did great!  The culmination of our training was the Ruckus Run the first weekend in November. 

In mid-October, I picked up CrossFit (thanks to a Groupon) as a way to cross train and incorporate different exercises into my running routine.  CrossFit is a program that offers broad, general strength and conditioning.  The equipment is pretty basic but an hour-long class will absolutely kick your butt.  I’ve really enjoyed learning the CrossFit exercises and techniques and feel great after finishing a workout.  I somewhat attribute the “feeling great” to my newly-stabilized TSH…at least I’m not exhausted and wanting to crawl into bed at 7pm, right?!  I can honestly say after running and incorporating CrossFit into my regimen, I’m probably in the best shape of my life…at 28!  This is where things take a turn for the worst…

As we go through treatments with Dr. K, her office suggests that I don’t exercise.  Well, let me rephrase that…the nurse said they wouldn’t have a problem with me walking on a treadmill.  GASP…walk on a treadmill?!  The nurse must have no concept of real exercise because let’s face it folks…walking on a treadmill is NOT exercise in my book…at least not for someone at my level of fitness.  Going forward, JPug and I will be bundling ourselves and the pooches up and taking a brisk walk each night.  Just to reiterate, the walk will be brisk (JPug is really more of a stroller). 

Am I thrilled about abandoning running and CrossFit cold turkey?  Definitely not.  Am I willing to make the sacrifice for my own health and well being and to give potential baby Pug the best opportunity to come on board?  Unequivocally yes.  Here’s to hoping my new “workout routine” is worth it.

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