Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's November, Give Thanks

Originally written on Friday, November 18th...

As JPug would say, today I’ve managed to put on my Grumpy Pants in lieu of the traditional Friday Jeans so I figured what better way to snap me out of a funk than to start writing about what I’m thankful for. With Thanksgiving just 6 days away and the tone of November moving from post-Halloween candy coma recuperation to honoring our nation’s veterans on Veteran’s Day to Thanksgiving, I’ve been thinking about what I’m thankful for…A LOT. Without further adieu, here goes.

First and foremost, I’m thankful for my husband who I knew I loved four and a half years ago when we were married but I had no idea just how strong our bond would become. In JPug, I found a true life partner…someone who will love me unconditionally, put me in my place when I need it, make me laugh and console me when I cry. I could go on and on about why I think we’re such a terrific pair but the best way to sum it up is that he makes me want to be a better person…not for me…but for us.

I’m thankful for my parents who provided the foundation for the person I’ve become today. They taught me the value of hard work, graciousness, optimism, integrity and a dollar. Even when their marriage didn’t work, they made a decision to be respectful to one another and continued to present a united front (discipline, holidays & celebrations) even though they didn’t live in the same house. Wow…what amazing, inspiring people!

I’m thankful for my cousins, Jenni & Katie who, for this only child, are more like sisters from another mother. We celebrate each others successes and support each other through difficult times; we love unconditionally and embrace differences. I’ve never had siblings and thanks to these two wonderful ladies, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

I’m thankful for friends and family who offer support, encouragement, silliness, craziness, wit, love and laughter. No matter if you’re someone I talk to every day or once a year, I’m lucky to have each of you in my life.

I’m thankful for the experience of infertility. I’ve learned more about my body and the process of conception than I ever thought I would. I’ve learned we’re not alone in our journey and hope other couples experiencing infertility know that too. I’ve learned to be more sensitive to others…you never know what situation they’re facing.

These things are just a small excerpt of what I'm thankful for...there isn't enough time to capture everything and I'd rather not turn a single post into a novel.  As the holiday draws near, I hope you travel safe no matter how far you go. If the pressure of the day starts weighing you down, take a deep breath and a big gulp of wine (in moderation, of course) because it'll all be okay. On a day filled with thanks, don't sweat the small stuff...just enjoy all the wonderful things life has given you.


  1. I'm thankful to have you guys in our life and to have such great friends through the good and bad times. Love you lots!

  2. You Pugs are the best friends a person could ask for...the effort you guys put into helping out friends and loved ones is immeasurable. As Kelly said, "I'm thankful to have you guys in our life...!"

    - Mark
