Monday, January 27, 2014

A Few Thoughts on the Gym

This month, I started back at the gym after an almost two year hiatus.  Infertility treatments, pregnancy, a newborn, working full-time, and JPug’s work/travel schedule didn’t leave much opportunity for me-time.   When 2014 rolled around, I decided to make myself a priority which meant paying the neighbor girl to watch Elle for a couple of hours a week so I could go to the gym.  We had a Title Boxing Club membership that was on hold for nearly two years so back to Title I went (at least until July when the membership expires and I potentially look for something new).  Being at the gym after nearly two years hasn’t been the seamless transition I envisioned…here are a few thoughts from the last 3 weeks.
  • Since when is going to the gym a fashion show vs. actually working out?  The first day I showed up in my traditional running shorts and panhellenic (look at that…it has the word hell in it…maybe it was the subliminal message I never got) rush t-shirt.  Literally every other woman at the gym (not exaggerating!) was in skin tight capri-length yoga pants, a neon racerback tank, and neon tennis shoes.  Say what?!  I’m too cheap to buy fancy work-out clothes…my sweat-wash-repeat cycle isn’t worth it.
  • Try not to overexert yourself during the first 15 minutes of a 60 minute class.  What?!?!  My muscles have atrophied over the past 2 years and now I’m exhausted and can barely move?
  • Tuck jumps after having a baby will never be the same.  I tried a couple and nearly peed myself.  Now, I stick with the safer and less (potentially) messy lunges.
  • No matter how hard I try or how many days a week I go to the gym, the jiggly spare tire around my midsection will never go away.  Well, maybe it would go away if I gave up craft beer and bread but that’s just silly!
  • Every day I go to the gym I can feel myself getting stronger.  The impossible plank is becoming possible and the flutter kick/scissor kick combo isn’t complete torture.
I may never be my former fit self again but I’m making progress, carving out time for me, and making positive strides toward a healthier and happier 2014.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Talkin’ ‘bout a Resolution

I’m typically not one for resolutions.  But since 2014 brings a fresh start, JPug and I thought it would be a good idea to put pen to paper and take a good look at the purposeful life we want to live in 2014.  As my friend Jayme reminded me, putting thoughts and theories into writing creates a higher level of accountability so I decided to take our goals a step further and post them for all to see.  As you may notice below, our goals aren’t SMART …who really wants to be that formal…just thoughts we have and improvements we’d like to work towards over the next year.

Eek!  I’m already crumbling from this accountability pressure…just kidding…sort of!

Make time for me
Volunteer 50hrs/year

Plan father/son trip
Go hunting

Stick to budget…it’s not there to look pretty and sound fun!
Increase giving to 10%
Hit the gym
Grocery shop/homemade meals
Unique experiences/explore KC with Elle
Elle sleeps in crib
Visit STL once/quarter
Organize/purge entire house
Car replacement fund $XX
Basement finish fund $XX

Given that we’re nearly halfway into January, I can say that things are going pretty well.  Perfect?!  No, but life’s not perfect.  We’re making positive changes and feeling progress…not too shabby.    

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New...

Happy New Year.

Have you missed me?

I've missed you.

And to be completely honest, I've missed myself.

Without sounding overly dramatic, negative, or starting a story that would take too long to complete, I’ll keep it short and simple.  In many ways 2013 was wonderful but it was also the worst year of my life.  2014 brings a fresh start, a beautiful crossroads of where I've been over the past 365 and where I hope to be over the next 364.  Who knows exactly what 2014 has in store for TeamPug but I hope you’ll come along for the ride.

Cheers & Happy New Year!