Day 9 - AM
I finished my first round of Clomid two days ago and I'm happy to report that I experienced NO side effects. JPug is the big winner in this situation because that means no moodiness. This afternoon I go for my HSG (hysterosalpingogram) which I'm secretly dreading. An HSG is an x-ray procedure where dye is injected into my uterus and should flow into my fallopian tubes. Hopefully, it will ensure the structure is normal and no blockages exist (if there's a blockage, the egg is unable to meet the man's sperm for fertilization in the fallopian tube which is crucial for conception). When Dr. K's office told me they'd be performing the procedure, they also added the caveat to stay off the internet. HSGs are notoriously painful if a blockage exists as the contrast dye builds up in the woman's fallopian tubes until the pressure clears the blockage (good thing but painful during the process). The internet provides a wealth of information regarding the procedure but it's also a place where women who have had bad experiences come to vent; for the most part, I stayed off the internet.
Day 9 - PM
I left work at 2pm and headed to a diagnostic imaging center. As I left work, I realized I forgot to take the recommended 400mgs of Ibuprofen 1hr before the procedure so I detoured by a pharmacy on the way. After checking in, I was moved into an x-ray exam room where they provided a gown so I could change. Before beginning the procedure, the technician explained what the radiologist would be doing and asked JPug to take a seat in the waiting area. They would be inserting a catheter into my uterus, inflating a small balloon at the end to ensure the catheter doesn't fall out and injecting contrast dye while taking x-ray pictures of the structure...sounds simple.
I laid back and the radiologist began. It took a few minutes to get everything set up and in place; thus far, the procedure had been uncomfortable but not too bad. Once she was ready, the radiologist said "OK, I'm all set". I lifted my head (which had been turned to the right watching the monitor) to acknowledge her comment but she didn't make eye contact. Before I knew it, I turned my head back to the monitor and could see my uterus and fallopian tubes clear as day. I didn't get a chance to ask if the procedure had been a success before the radiologist said "Wow, you're almost finished"; she snapped a couple pictures and I was done. The procedure had been slightly uncomfortable but wasn't anything near the pain some women expressed online. I would classify my visit to the radiologist as a complete success.
Day 11
This morning, JPug and I stopped by Dr. K's office for my second ultrasound. As the process continues and I near insemination, the ultrasound technician is looking at the size and number of maturing follicles (each follicle contains an egg) as well as the thickness of my uterus (which will hopefully, eventually support a maturing embryo). Today the radiologist found 3 maturing follicles (one larger than the other two) but noted that my uterine lining was thin. I'll begin taking Estradiol for the next 3 days which is a drug that's used to enhance the thickness of my uterine lining.
Day 13
Today is my last day of Estradiol and I'm happy to report I haven't experienced any negative side effects. Today is also the day for my Ovidrel shot which I'll take between 8 and 10pm to trigger ovulation . Please note...I'm REALLY not looking forward to giving myself a shot. Neither Dr. K's office nor the pharmacy provided directions regarding administering the shot but I was lucky enough to find some on YouTube...the internet is pretty cool, huh?!
Around 8:30pm, I finally mustered enough courage to give myself the shot. I was at a baby shower for a friend so I excused myself to the bathroom, laid out all the supplies and began. First, the alcohol swab...somewhere between both hips and below the belly button. I allowed the alcohol to dry and pulled out the syringe. I pushed the excess air through the syringe, pinched the previously-swabbed area, stuck the needle in and shot away. I have no interest in becoming a regular drug user but the shot wasn't too bad. I cleaned up my supplies, left the bathroom and rejoined the party.
I didn't realize you gave yourself the shot. You are brave! Mark always did mine. They never hurt very badly, but the anticipation always drove me crazy. One time I jumped and he stopped and the needle got then he had to stab me with a bent needle. Fun times!