Day 35 - Wednesday, March 21st
TeamPug has officially known we're expecting for 1 full week...I'm exactly 5 weeks pregnant today. Although 5 weeks probably isn't a milestone for most, it is for us. Back in December, 5 weeks is when my body started cycling naturally and our first baby was gone in the blink of an eye. This time around, I've had 3 really good blood tests and am hopeful we'll make it to the next big benchmark...12 weeks.
Although I'm only 5 weeks along, I have noticed some changes in my body. I started dropping weight almost immediately and have lost a total of 5 lbs. I don't have much of an appetite/fill up quickly and don't have the sweet tooth I usually do. I'm trying to eat more regularly and am enjoying healthy snacks between meals. I haven't experienced any sensitivity to tastes or smells which I'm very thankful for. I get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom and have had some trouble sleeping through the night which is very uncharacteristic for me. My breasts have become tender and I've noticed some changes in my nipples (Probably TMI but I've been open and honest throughout the process so why stop now? I'm trying to stick with the facts here folks!). I've also had spotting on and off for the last week which is really unnerving. I read online about 30% of women experience spotting...sometimes during implantation and sometimes it lingers throughout the entire pregnancy. I haven't had any other symptoms that would signal a problem and my blood tests last week were good even though I was spotting...I'm trying not to get myself worked up over nothing.
Yesterday, Dr. K increased my synthetic thyroid supplement to 75mcg/day (which should reduce my TSH) and I had my 4th blood test in a week...this one checked Free T4. From what I read on, providers typically check Free T4 as a follow-up to a TSH test that was abnormal. The Free T4 test allows providers to see a more complete picture regarding thyroid function. Dr. K's office should have my results later this week...hopefully the nurse will call with good news.
Dr. K's nurse Jamie just called this afternoon with my Free T4 results...the normal reference range is between 0.7 and 2.0. My result was at 1.1 which is totally normal. I'll stick with the increased thyroid supplement dose which will hopefully lower my TSH and they'll probably test me again in about a month. Last but not least, I asked about my spotting and Jamie said although it's not common, it is normal. As long as i don't experience cramping or blood that's bright red in color, I should assume things are progressing nicely.
Next up is our 6 week ultrasound next Friday!
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