Friday, June 1, 2012

You Never Forget Your First

Friday, March 30th - 6W, 2D

Today was a big day...the first ultrasound to see our little Puglet.   When I say ultrasound, it's the transvaginal kind (a big wand they stick up your hooha) which gives the technician the ability to see more detail south of the border.  At this point, seeing our tiny bean on a more traditional ultrasound...through layers of skin, muscle and organs just wouldn't happen.  Today's was the same type of ultrasound I've been having for months.  From August 2011 to February 2012, the technician used the machine to check my uterine lining and ovaries as each monthly cycle progressed.  Today, we saw the makings of a baby.

AWESOME...nothing else I can say besides awesome!

We saw all sorts of things on the screen...the grainy black/white you think of with any ultrasound, a big black hole in the middle, a smaller black bubble in the middle of the black hole and just below the bubble was a bright white spot.  The technician was patient and explained all the different things we saw but of course, now I can't seem to remember.  What I do know...the bright white spot is our little baby.  If you stared at the spot for any length of time, you'd see a tiny flicker...the heartbeat.

The technician spent the next few minutes taking measurements and let us see the baby one last time so JPug could capture our first ultrasound on our FlipCam.  At this point, our parents have no idea we're expecting but we're looking forward to sharing video from each appointment with them when the time is right.  Before we left, the technician said Puglet is measuring 6 weeks, 1 day and the heartbeat was 117 (anything above 100 is good news).  I should hear from Dr. K's nurse sometime this afternoon and I'll likely go in for my second ultrasound next Friday.

Oh, and I have my official due date...November 22nd, 2012.  I honestly can't think of a better day...11 days after my birthday, one of my best friend's birthdays and Thanksgiving.  Pretty perfect...and a heck of a lot to be thankful for!


  1. There is nothing better than seeing that baby for the first time on the ultrasound, except perhaps for seeing them in person! I'm so happy for you both!!

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