If you're just joining the series, this is post #5 of 6. If you'd like to start from the beginning, scroll down to the bottom and click "IUI" which will pull up all posts associated with our IUI process. Once the refreshed view generates, scroll to the bottom and read up. As I stated in the series introduction, please don't make any assumptions, ask any questions or post any comments until the series is complete...you never get the full picture until the puzzle is finished. Thanks!
Day 29
This morning, day 29, I took the test for formality's sake.
When you wait such a long time for something to happen, your mind dreams up all sorts of things...ways to tell friends & family the wait is over, major holidays that occur during pregnancy, when the baby might be due. Maybe other women's minds don't think, dream and calculate as much as mine...but mine does. Luckily I have enough sense to keep my mouth shut through the majority of this crazy-thinking or JPug might think I'm downright nutty.
The number 11 has always been lucky for me. It started on the day I was born...11-11-83. As a child, my mom would see 11:11 on a digital clock and tell me to make a wish...still to this day I find myself clock-wishing. I can't think of a great example right now but all sorts of good things have occurred with when 11s are involved. Am I making a ridiculous association out of a mere coincidence...yes...but there's a part of me that just can't fight the urge.
In true verging-on-crazy-person fashion, here's the most recent scenario I drew up in my head...
Day 1 of my last cycle was in November (11), insemination was two weeks later...still in November (11)...and the big test (day 29) was 12-11-11. Three 11s associated with this one scenario...it's got to be Team Pug's magic month! I finally confessed this insane concoction to JPug on the afternoon of day 28 along with the fact that I knew lucky 11 had finally let me down. His response..."Well, when we finally are expecting, you'll just have to get a new lucky number". JPug is a practical thinker so lucky numbers are definitely not his thing. But for him to throw his own opinions of my silliness out the window...lighten the mood and change my perspective...man, I love that JPug.
Alright, back to the test. I woke up about 7:15, made my way to the bathroom and did my business. Once I was finished, I covered the absorbent tip back up to avoid a mess and waited. The result was supposed to appear in 2 but no more than 10 minutes. I waited two minutes and a big, somewhat faint blue "-" appeared in the little window...at least I had my answer.
As I left the small toilet area and entered the larger part of our bathroom which has better lighting, the faintest blue "|" caught my eye. When I say faintest, I literally can't even describe how faint the line really was. I could only see it in the bright bathroom lights and it was almost indistinguishable. A few friends who are expecting once told me the faintest "+" still means positive but this "+" was so faint it could have been fabricated in my head. What to do now? I'm out of pee but I do have a test from two days ago that I could compare with today's results.
In no time flat, I was digging in the bathroom trash can to compare my test from Friday to the one from this morning (see...full on crazy!). After a minute or so of rummaging, I finally found it. As I exited the toilet area, both tests in hand, I heard the sound of footsteps on the tile. Shoot...I woke JPug up with my rummaging. As his eyes adjusted to the bathroom light, I cocked my head to the right, scrunched my nose and let out a confused..."So...?!". We looked at the tests together...agreed there was a VERY (almost ridiculously so) faint blue line on the most recent one and were overcome with the slightest feeling of hope.
At this point, what are two Pugs to do? Like I said before, I was out of pee and it was still early on a Sunday so we attempted to go back to sleep. After about 15 minutes, we agreed that WAS NOT going to happen. I drank some water...then some more. We watched TV and waited. About 9am, nature called and it was time for test #2. Luckily, I was out of appearing/disappearing "+" tests but had purchased some digital "Pregnant"/"Non-Pregnant" tests earlier in the week. I did my business...waited for the little hour glass to cycle and read the result a couple minutes later..."Pregnant". HO.LY.SH*T...the IUI process worked...the first time...and Lucky 11 definitely did not disappoint!
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