Friday, January 27, 2012

The Little Things

In an effort to be more thankful for all life has to offer, I’ve found myself stopping to relish the little things…this morning I did exactly that.

As I mentioned in my Twenty ’12 post, I’m not a picture taker but sometimes I wish my eyes were little cameras so I could blink and capture exactly what I’m seeing to share with everyone.  On my way to work, I drive east a few miles before turning south onto the highway.  As we all know, the sun rises in the east and this morning’s sunrise over Liberty, MO was not to be missed. 


Today’s forecast called for clouds…some rain or maybe even snow this evening.  For a few minutes this morning at exact time the sun crested over the horizon, the clouds broke and sunshine poured in.  The colors were magnificent as the rays hung to the low cloud base…purple, pink, yellow and orange.  It was a Grand Canyon-esque sunrise just a few minutes from my own backyard.  I was lucky enough to get stuck at both stoplights (which almost never happens) so I could enjoy the view a bit longer.  Who cares if I’m 3 minutes later for work when I can see something so magnificent on the way?!?!

If you live in the KC metro, I hope you saw the sunrise with your own eyes this morning.  If you missed it, hopefully I helped you see it through mine.  Happy Friday everyone…and don’t forget to enjoy the little things life has to offer!

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